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Amazing Model Trains You Can Ride On
2022Aug 18
Central Pasco and Gulf Railroad at Crews Lake Park in Pasco County If you are looking for a nice day not far from Spring Hill, Florida, try Crews Lake Park and Central Pasco and Gulf Railroad or for short CP&G. It's great fun for young and old. The CP&G is a non-profit organization run by volunteers and operates on donations and membership fees. Every 2nd Saturday of the month, they offer rides to the public. You can climb aboard a miniature railroad which has been modeled after the Orange Belt Railroad of the late 1800s and enjoy a ride through the park. There are several locomotives of different types available. Central Pasco & Gulf Railroad is a 7.5 inch gauge layout with over 12k feet of track and located inside Crews Lake Wilderness Park. Address: 16706 Wishingwell Ln, Spring Hill, FL 34610 Web: Tel: (727) 645-2508
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