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Heartbreak Retrospective
2022Aug 3
Love lost, love regained. I break down that I hurt my only friend. The monster in the video is the mental expectations we put on friendship/romance - a kind of Frankensteinian patchwork image of what is supposed to make us feel less alone. The horror is the stark reality that we are alone, with the added call to make a friend of our aloneness and not try to play God with the expectations we put on others. Only after we have accepted the horror of our ultimate aloneness can we be truly free to enjoy other people *as they are*, not as we hope them to be. CLIPS (including audio): Frankenstein, 1931 Bride of Frankenstein, 1935 Metropolis, 1927 Apocalypse Now, 1979 Billy Madison, 1995 Join Us #threshold #lurker Please like, subscribe or consider our Patreon:   / cosmicallyliminal Contact: for more information. or join us on Discord:   / discord   #00ag9603 #dataplex #ouroboros #fnordmaze #3gregor #cosmicliminality

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Cosmic Liminality

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