Unfortunately due to the enormous level of fake users and bad actors in the Sell Data service, we have suspended new members from joining Sell Data until our systems have had time to delete fake accounts and remove bad actors (affiliates) that have promoted, encouraged and helped others to try and cheat our fair unique system that is ONLY set up to monetize browsing data from a real person ONCE and from the country on their profile.
New members will see the pop up as shown above in the image when they try to join Sell Data.
Sell Data as it states, buys browsing data from 'the' person as described in 'their' data profile to include 'where they live' and everything else that they add to it. If you have a Canadian passport, but live in Mexico, then your Sell Data profile must be set to MEXICO as your data is worthless to us if it is NOT correctly setup.
If you have an Indian passport, but live and work in the Emirates, your data is worthless to us because your data is 'mainly' Emirates.
All new members to 5B from today will have their account queued for Sell Data.
Each member in that queue will be invited to join by email and notification when we are prepared to check new members. All new members MUST be KYC approved before joining Sell Data.