Msprobe - Finding All Things On-Prem Microsoft For Password Spraying And Enumeration

Finding all things on-prem Microsoft for password spraying and enumeration.

The tool will used a list of common subdomains associated with your target apex domain to attempt to discover valid instances of on-prem Microsoft solutions. Screenshots of the tool in action are below:


Install the project using pipx

pipx install git+


The tool has four different modules that assist with the discovery of on-prem Microsoft products:

  • Exchange
  • RD Web
  • ADFS
  • Skype for Business

The help menu and supported modules are shown below:

Usage: msprobe [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Find Microsoft Exchange, RD Web, ADFS, and Skype instances

--help Show this message and exit.

adfs Find Microsoft ADFS servers
exch Find Microsoft Exchange servers
full Find all Microsoft supported by msprobe
rdp Find Microsoft RD Web servers
skype Find Microsoft Skype servers


Find ADFS servers associated with apex domain:

msprobe adfs

Find RD Web servers associated with apex domain with verbose output:

msprobe rdp -v

Find all Microsoft products hostsed on-prem for a domain:

msprobe full

Coming Soon

  • Full wiki for each module
  • Fixes for lxml based parsing in RD Web module


Msprobe - Finding All Things On-Prem Microsoft For Password Spraying And Enumeration Msprobe - Finding All Things On-Prem Microsoft For Password Spraying And Enumeration Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5

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