New CADforum look launched.
Over 1.087.000 registered users (EN+CZ). Try the new Engineering calculator, the CAD conversion wizard, the Color converter and USD viewer. Learn about twiGIS.
Over 1.087.000 registered users (EN+CZ). Try the new Engineering calculator, the CAD conversion wizard, the Color converter and USD viewer. Learn about twiGIS.
CAD tip # 13402:
If you have a non-zero Flex Token credit on your user account, you can use the following Autodesk products, features and cloud services for free.
Some features are a module (add-on) to another software product and that product itself may use Flex Token billing.
Other Autodesk products are free themselves and are not tied to any paid license (e.g. all educational/student licenses, DIY versions of Fusion 360, Tinkercad, Meshmixer, AutoCAD web app free, etc.).
Alphabetical list of products and features without charging of Flex Tokens:
- AutoCAD - DWG History
- Burn
- Character Generator
- Civil 3D - Grading Optimization
- Civil 3D - Project Explorer
- Cloud Models for Revit
- Desktop Connector
- Autodesk Drive
- Factory Design Utilities
- Fusion Team
- InfraWorks Profle Optimization
- InfraWorks Watershed Analysis
- Insight - Energy Analysis
- Insight - Green Building Studio
- Inventor Nesting
- Inventor Tolerance Analysis
- Markup Import & Drafting Assist
- My Insights - Macro Advisor
- Process Analysis
- Revit - Generative Design
- Shared Views
- Trace
- Vault Basic - Client
- Vault Basic - Server
This list may change in time, it reflects the status as of 3/2023
