Service 4 Launching 10th August 2022
- On 10th August, we will launch our new Service 4 - GTAgents Advertising Agencies (GTA)!
- On 10th August, 5B will stop selling advertising directly.
- On 10th August, any person (early adopter) that has bought 1 advert or more from 5B will be given Service 4 (GTA) for free.
Free GTAgents can instantly start selling Guaranteed Sales and Standard Adverts to 5B members from the 10th of August.
GTA will work like this:
1- Your existing advert back office will be upgraded into an advert sales and management portal.
2 - After the 10th of August, you will be able to buy the NEW styled Guaranteed Sales (34% paid before delivery) and Standard Adverts from 5B and resell them for $269. These can be sold to anyone.
3- For every Guaranteed Sales advert you have bought up to 16th July that remains unused, can be broken into 3 'Starter Deliveries' for new advertisers.
These cannot be sold to anyone that is already an advertiser. Only new advertisers can buy a 'Starter Delivery' from you. You can charge up to $269 for each 'Starter Delivery' broken off to a maximum of 3x $269. Only 1 'Starter Delivery' per new advertiser.
Using the 'Starter Delivery', the new advertiser can generate 1x $155k (only x1, NOT 3x), then pay the 34% after their sales delivery and afford to buy a NEW style Guaranteed Sales from you on the 34% before delivery offer which delivers 3x $155k.
4 - For all adverts your GTA sells (Starter Deliveries and Guaranteed Sales), you can add variable management fees and a small variable % (up to 5% max) on top of our normal 34% and also get paid your commission and profit share. This applies to 'Starter Deliveries' and normal 3x $155k deliveries. You can also add charges to Standard Adverts.
5 - 'Starter Deliveries' ONLY - When you break a 'Starter Delivery' into 3 parts, you keep the 3x $269. You can charge less than $269 and you can give them away for free if you choose.
Applies After 10th August
*Guaranteed Sales Adverts = Your GTA will only be able to buy the NEW style 34% before delivery of Guaranteed Sales Advert packages after 10th August. This new Guaranteed Sales package will deliver 3x $155k, but the advertiser must pay the 34% in advance.
**Starter Delivery & Starter Deliveries = If you have an old Limited Offer, 34% paid after delivery Guaranteed Sales bought before 16th July which has 3x $155k deliveries and is unused, you can resell it in 3 parts. It can be broken into 3x single $155k deliveries and sold to help new advertisers generate $155k net profit - 34% profit share = $102,300 net profit. The new advertiser can then afford to buy a NEW style Guaranteed Sales delivery and pay the 34% in advance. The 'Starter Delivery' can be resold for up to $269.
***After 10th August, any member can buy a new GTA from your GTA for a yearly fee of $880. Your GTA keeps $440 and pays 5B $440 each year.