This is services are new and unique. Some people don't understand them because they are disruptive, and their brains cannot adjust or accept the 100% FREE opportunity we are giving every person in the World. Browse the Web and we will buy your browsing data from you.
Sell Data browsing data feeds our DEEP LEARNING AI – which is a future $30 trillion market.
Like most new DISRUPTIVE business models, our services began life as basic, and they have and will improve and grow. Miss the growth stage and it is going to be like missing BTC at 1c! You will regret it for life!
It is like investing… You invest in ideas that will change the World and then you wait for them to change it to earn a lot of money.
You get in early and grow with us or you miss out.
We will be constantly improving our services over time.
Sell Data users earn $1.10 per day and can earn vBonus of $0.50 each day. This is known as Sell Data Income - SDI.
Currently, this is being paid yearly.
From August 25th all Sell Data users will be paid their SDI monthly.
There will be a 1x bundle withdrawal payment on the 25th of August for all your SDI already earned and then you will be paid monthly after.
There is a lot more good news to come. Lots of improvements and add-on services. Watch the news!
By 5BillionSales
If you haven't joined yet, you can do it for free HERE>