If you are an Indiana Jones fan then you’ll no doubt recognize that iconic line.
Often in this fast-paced digital world, we make decisions without even thinking about them.
Unknowingly creating a BIG ripple effect for ourselves in the future.
The same is true when picking affiliate products.
You might be drawn in by a shiny promise or a sparkling new feature.
But glossy surfaces reflect much more than they reveal.
There are a few things you should be on the lookout for when you choose an affiliate product.
And this is the most important of all…
It MUST be recurring.
Meaning it must pay you more than once!
Why go through all the hard work of selling something when you are only going to get paid one time?
This is how the super affiliates can literally move to a desert island and still rake in 5-6 figures a month automatically.
Because they’ve promoted membership-based products that pay for a LIFETIME!
Now only certain programs pay forever.
A lot of them will only pay for the first 12 months or so, that is why you need to do your due diligence before picking a product to promote.
To discover some of the best products to promote and a whole lot more, check this out.
Are you starting to see how powerful this is and why it is the best business model in the world??
It’s truly a liberating feeling and an amazing feeling to know that at any moment…
I can simply take a month off, do nothing, and still keep getting paid.
P.S How would you feel if you could just stop working whenever you felt like it and kept getting paid? What would you do more, and how would you spend your newfound time?