With that said, affiliate marketing can get you very rich very fast when compared to traditional career paths.
My friend James started from absolutely nothing 3 years ago.
I don't know many other business models where you can make so much money so fast, the success you can have from this is massive
James had never done any marketing in his entire life.
And within 3 years, built a multiple 6 figures a year income that puts him in the top 10% of earners and close to the top 5% of earners in the US.
How many people do you know that spend 5 or even ten years training to be a doctor, or a lawyer or something?
Just think about how many years you have to go to college and university to be able to earn that much per year?
And how much investment you have to put into college and university during those years!
Sure there is some investment to get started, but nowhere near as much as a degree would cost and he now earns more than most doctors.
He works much fewer hours too!
Check this out to discover exactly what James does to bring in that kind of income each month.
This is not some hit-and-miss formula that only works when there is an element of luck involved.
These are the actual strategies that I and many other successful affiliate marketers have used before you.