I will reveal to you a ninja trick that will allow you to “ethically stalk” your visitors around the internet.
There are countless different traffic sources out there and they all work in different ways.
Regardless of where the traffic comes from, there are two simple tweaks you can use to maximize each visitor.
- Never send traffic direct to a sales page.
You are literally losing out on 90%+ of all the opportunities.
Send them to your own capture page.
That way you can capture emails and stay in contact with them!
- Pixel your pages! A pixel is a small little tracking code that allows you to show ads to that person, so if they land on your page, you can then show some Facebook ads to them later if they didn't convert.
An email list is the number 1 thing that you should always be building and is your number 1 asset online period.
That’s why we insert an opt-in page first so we can capture the email and retarget it with the pixel.
This is just one of the many secrets to affiliate marketing done right.
So many people try the short-term method and just send traffic directly to the affiliate offer and as you can see it usually doesn't work and is nowhere near profitable.
P.S Can you see how powerful this is! Example: If we send 100 people to a sales page, on average 1% will buy and we have 1 new customer.
BUT if we sent 100 people to a capture page, on average we get 40%+ to enter their email to find out more, one still buys and all 100 of them will be tracked with our pixel.
Cool huh!
Read more 👉 digifire.media/affiliate-marketing-abc