NFF mourns former Nigerian player Justice Christopher

Published on: 11 March 2022

Nigeria Football was in shock early Wednesday when word broke that former Super Eagles player Justice Christopher had collapsed and died in Jos, Plateau State's capital.

Christopher represented Nigeria at both the juvenile and senior levels, earning 11 caps for the Super Eagles between 2001 and 2002.

He played in Nigeria's 0-0 stalemate with England at the Osaka Nagai Stadium during the 2002 FIFA World Cup finals in Korea/Japan.

The statement from the NFF: “This is devastating. Justice Christopher was young and full of life. His death is a thing of deep sorrow here at the NFF and the entire Nigeria Football ambience. There was no report that he was ill. We are stunned to hear of his death.

“We pray that God will grant him eternal rest and comfort the family that he has left behind.”
