In case you haven’t noticed, things have changed when it comes to online marketing these days.
The internet’s major players have been tapping into viral marketing in order to build their lists, generate leads, boost brand awareness and of course, increase their sales… with little or no paid ads.
You’ve probably seen viral marketing happening right on your own Facebook or Twitter feeds, especially for major brands like AirBnb and even Uber.
That’s because it works!
It’s what turned Dropbox into a $10 billion + company!
The big players are leveraging a proven, age-old, marketing strategy to pay off in big ways, with very little risk or investment
Viral Marketing is simply “word-of-mouth advertising” taken to the next level.
And in case you didn’t know, word-of-mouth has been around since at least Roman times.
It is easily the longest-surviving form of advertising throughout the ages of business and commerce.
And it’s not going anywhere!