The real meaning of freedom

What really is freedom ? Are we ever free ? I have been asking myself this question for some time now.The word freedom comes from the word freo which simply mean a situation where you are not in bondage to something or someone or /in possession of particular privileges.

With that in mind being in bondage is simply a state of not getting any particular privileges. This is a difficult case , some spend years as Christians but still not getting privileges of good health. If you have a chronic problem you are now identifying with chances are you are under attack.

The privileges we have in Christ are love ,health ,riches and so forth. Being in Christ washes away all condemnation thus we no longer live in guilty. Being in Christ also means we can approach the throne of Grace with confidence without no fear at all for Jesus Christ is our advocate.

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. 
2 Corinthians 8:9 NIV

Most people live their life in bondage ,their mind has become accustomed to a slavery mentality , even after the yoke of slavery has been removed from their necks they can’t move from the place they were enslaved. Their mind has been programmed to taking orders from their masters ,they have lost faith in themselves and in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

God created man for dominion , He equipped man with management skills on creation .Adam was given the garden of Eden to manage .Adam was given the power to name things as his mind perceived them . Whatever he saw in an animal he would name it as such. From the outlook he separated wild animals and domestic animals. He named trees ,infact he named everything he saw , including a woman.

With all that freedom ,God only gave him one law or / condition , not to eat from the tree of life. Funny he chose to obey his wife disregarding the owner of the garden. Of course we know that snake gave them ideas ,and Eve she saw that the fruit was good for food ,but Adam ate too ,whether to please his woman to just experiment with disobedience we are not sure.

Adam sacrificed his relationship with God in trying to please his woman. The funny part about this story is that while Eve was busy discussing God’s ordinances with the devil Adam wasn’t around. The devil won Eve’s mind first and Eve simply convinced Adam …

It’s basically a tricky situation the one in charge of the garden was nowhere to be found , and Eve was just wondering around the garden alone when the snake saw an opportunity to destroy humanity.

God gave Adam the responsibility of the garden and he told him the do’s and don’ts so he was to train wife and kids about the dangers of eating fruits from that tree … but did Adam teach Eve at all?

They had freedom (possession of privileges) as long as they adhered to the rules stipulated for the Eden experience. Thus their freedom was dependent on Adam playing his part in educating his family about the importance of obeying only that single law (command).

But Adam was hibernating while Eve was going around Eden without any understanding of the importance of that law. Without a full understanding of any law , we are bound to err in judgement. Rules of the land if not properly explained ,are useless to our families.

For freedom to exist Adam had to be a priest in his family .God designed a man to be fully responsible for teaching his generation about God’s ordinances. Once man move from this responsibility the whole generation is destroyed.

We are facing the same problem in our society , our men are busy indulging in worldly pleasures and at the same time exposing their families to satan’s agenda . Whilst our man are getting intoxicated with alcohol and drugs our children are adopting homosexual tendencies from the television.

Whilst our men are occupying themselves with sports and entertainment who is grooming the kids for kingdom purposes . Our kids start drinking and smoking at a younger age and parents can’t notice anything because they are too absorbed in vanity.

Change is possible and we are here to help. Is addictions destroying your marriage contact us here .Man was created to be priest in his family, it is a man’s duty to protect and meet all the demands of his family.

You can be free from that yoke of addiction.

You can be free today ,let us help you reach your full potential .It is possible for your marriage to be restored . Change begins when man start taking full responsibility of their families.

Freedom can be yours today ..


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