This trap is the biggest and most common pitfall of would-be entrepreneurs today.
It's sometimes called "Analysis Paralysis", but I like to call it what it is.
Fear of failing
Fear of being judged
Fear of not being able to handle success
Fear of offending people
Fear of wasting time and effort
We all have fear, but it's the successful people who feel the fear and do it anyway.
They don't let fear stop them, and they use the fear to push them to do greater and greater things.
James is a living example of that and you NEED to hear his story of how he pushed his fears and comfort zones to the max.
It allowed him to become a 7 figure earner in under 5 years from trying to take his own life!
Check out the video below
From not having the confidence to put a simple picture up on Facebook, to multiple 6-figure earners and international speakers less than 2 years later.
It's incredible what you can do with a burning desire to make a change.
He's combined everything he has learned since then into this new system.