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Nominate the Next Generation of Top Bartenders

February 24, 2022

Story: Punch Staff

photo: Nick Hensley


Nominate the Next Generation of Top Bartenders

February 24, 2022

Story: Punch Staff

photo: Nick Hensley

We’re looking for the most inspiring talent to become members of our Bartender in Residence Class of 2022.

In 2018, Punch launched the Bartender in Residence (BIR) program with a simple mission: Elevate and amplify rising talent in the bartending community through a combination of editorial coverage, social media, live events and more. Since its inception, we’ve produced over two dozen events and spotlighted 35 bartenders who have gone on to create their own programs, advocate for a more inclusive industry and launch a variety of nonprofits.

We are now on the lookout for members to join the BIR Class of 2022, and for the first time ever we’re opening up the selection process to nominations. BIR endeavors to spotlight talented individuals—from dive bars to hotel bars—who are moving drink culture forward, both behind the bar and beyond it. They are, in short, the future of bartending.

Does this sound like someone you know? Nominate them! Does this sound like you? Nominate yourself! Fill out the forms by March 22, 2022. (Nominees must be based in the United States and at least 21 years of age.)