The Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC) is hosting the Eighth National Summit of Health Population and Scientists in Nepal, with the theme “Advancing Health Policy and Systems Research: Lessons for a Resilient Health System in Nepal”.
The Eighth National Summit with the theme “Advancing Health Policy and Systems Research: Lessons for Resilient Health System in Nepal” will be a continuum of the previous summits as an annual gathering of researchers, academicians, scientists, practitioners, and policymakers to exchange ideas and health research evidence on national health issues and priorities focusing on lessons from Nepal’s response to COVID-19 and to previous natural disasters. This year’s national summit seeks to facilitate discussion on health systems and policy research (HPSR), as well as its advancement, in order to accomplish communal health goals and construct a resilient health system.
This year’s national summit of health and population scientists aims to bring health systems researchers, practitioners, program designers and policymakers together to discuss lessons from past emergencies including the COVID-19 pandemic and utilize these lessons to improve and transform Nepal’s health system to better prepare it for public health emergencies and future pandemics.
- To provide a unified platform for health scientists, policymakers, researchers, academicians, and practitioners to share research evidence on national health priorities
- To foster networking and dialogue exchange between policymakers and health and population experts
- To discuss upon lessons learnt from Nepal’s COVID-19 response and previous emergencies and way forward for developing health systems resilience
- To encourage young researchers as well as experts to collaborate, innovate and promote research on current health priorities in Nepal
- To synthesize evidence for contributing to formulate health sector strategic plan and annual work plan and budget.
Date: April 10, 2022 – April 12, 2022
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
Call for abstracts
The Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC) invites submission of abstracts as an oral or poster presentation for the Eighth National Summit of Health and Population Scientists in Nepal with the theme “Advancing Health Policy and Systems Research: Lessons for Resilient Health System in Nepal.”
Thematic areas
- Health system and Policy
- Resilient Health Care Delivery System (Health Services, including access to care and its quality)
- Health Workforce (Human Resources for Health)
- Universal Health Coverage
- Health Policy, Management, Leadership, Governance (Stewardship) and policy evidence nexus
- Health Information technology in health service and research
- Equity and efficiency in health system
- Health Economics and Healthcare Financing
- Public Private Partnership (PPP)
- Public (Population) Health
- Health communication, education and health behavior
- Reproductive and sexual health and rights, Maternal Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health
- Gender, Equity and Justice
- Population & Population dynamics (fertility, mortality and migration)
- Nutrition, Food Safety and Security
- Disabilities
- Public Health Surveillance (i.e. Cancer, Vector-borne diseases etc.)
- Other (Miscellaneous)
- COVID-19 Pandemic
- COVID-19 pandemic related public health and clinical studies
- Public Health Emergencies, including public health response and preparedness to disease outbreaks, natural disasters and other emergencies
- Clinical Research
- Health in altitude including mountain medicine (Physiological changes in different altitudes including mountain medicine)
- Non-Communicable Diseases
- Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Dementia
- Geriatric health
- Ayurveda & Other Traditional and Complementary Medicine
- Communicable Diseases (Infectious & Tropical Diseases including neglected tropical diseases) from one health perspective
- Emergency, Trauma and Critical care (including Injuries and Accidents)
- Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
- Inherited diseases (including thalassemia, sickle cell disorder, hemophilia, autism)
- Other (Miscellaneous)
- One Health and Global Health
- Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
- Environmental and Occupational Health (including climate change, indoor air pollution)
- Animal studies impacting human health (One Health concept)
- Wider determinants of health (Social Determinants of Health)
- Biomedical and Translational Research
- Essential medical products including pharmaceutical products, pharmacovigilance and rational use of drugs
- Biomedical research
- Innovation in health research
- Implementation and operational research
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 10 March 2022
General Guidelines for abstract submission
- Only online submission is accepted.
- Abstract must be original work conducted in Nepal. Abstracts of those works conducted outside the country will not be entertained. In case of a review article (systematic and scoping review) the findings should be relevant to Nepal.
- Ethical approval letter from ERB of NHRC or IRCs approved by NHRC must be submitted along with the abstract.
- Abstract must be prepared according to the guidelines provided for the summit. Abstract will only be accepted if submitted online using the supplied template.
- Abstract should not be resubmitted for any reason other than a notified submission error. If you do not receive a confirmation email please contact the Summit Focal Point.
- Abstract must contain sufficient information so that it provides an overview of the whole presentation. Please note that full article or extended abstract or presentation copy may be asked for submission as per the decision of the scientific committee. Submission of an abstract acknowledges the author’s consent for publication of the abstract in the Summit Proceeding.
Note: If you are unable to submit online, please contact the Summit Focal Point at: summit@nhrc.gov.np or +977-01-4254220 for further information.
Who can attend?
National and International Scientists, Researchers, Universities/Academia, Policy makers, Scholars, Development partners, Health professionals, Medical practitioners and Students to share recent and relevant health evidences.
Recommended readings
- NHRC CPD Guidelines for Providing Credit Hours to Participants of Research Trainings and Conferences
- Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC)
- List of Approved Institutional Review Committee (IRC), NHRC
- NHRC approval processing fee (Effective from March 7, 2018)
- Nepal Journals OnLine (NepJOL)
- Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC)
- Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC)List of Approved Institutional Review Committee (IRC), NHRC
- Nepal Clinical Trial Registry
- NepMed, Nepal MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online)
- Nepal Journals OnLine (NepJOL)
- NHRC CPD Guidelines for Providing Credit Hours to Participants of Research Trainings and Conferences
- List of Approved Institutional Review Committee (IRC), NHRC
- Comparative Evaluation of Commercially available Rapid Diagnostic Test Kits for the use of Screening of Suspected Cases of Novel Coronavirus infection in Nepal
- Preparedness and Readiness of Government of Nepal Designated COVID Hospitals
- Preparedness and Readiness of Government of Nepal Designated Hospital running COVID Clinics
- Nepal STEPS Survey 2019- Province wise Fact Sheets
Related conference declaration
- Call to Action: Vaccine Equity Declaration
- Conference Declaration
- Declaration of the First Public Health Conference 2020
- Stockholm Declaration on Road Safety: Achieving Global Goals 2030
- The Kathmandu Declaration Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Global Gathering 2019
- Declaration of The Alliance of Public Health Associations of The Americas
- Delhi Declaration on Emergency Preparedness in the South-East Asia Region
- Bogor Declaration on Tobacco Control and NCDs Prevention #APCAT2019
- Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage
- Declaration of Fifth National Summit of Health and Population Scientists in Nepal
- Kathmandu Declaration on: National Conference on Family Planning 2075
- Astana Declaration on Primary Health Care 2018
- The Declaration of Alma-Ata on Primary Health Care
- NCDA civil society statement on 2018 Political Declaration on NCDs
- Declaration of 4th National Summit of Health and Population Scientists in Nepal
- Tokyo Declaration on Universal Health Coverage: All Together to Accelerate Progress towards UHC
- DHAKA DECLARATION- 12th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP12)