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Jackass Forever Makes $23.5 Million In The US For Its Opening Weekend, Topping Moonfall And Spider-Man

The new Jackass film got off to a strong start.


Jackass Forever won the weekend at the US box office, bringing in $23.5 million over the Friday-Sunday period and besting all other films for the weekend.

Jackass Forever was projected to make money in the area of the mid-teens, but it outperformed expectations, according to Deadline, which supplied all the box office numbers.

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Roland Emmerich's end-of-the-world movie Moonfall finished second with $10 million, while Spider-Man: Far From Home reeled in $8.8 million to come in third for the weekend.

Paramount boss Chris Aronson told Deadline of the success of Jackass Forever, "When was the last time you grabbed your friends and had a great time? That was the whole thrust of what Johnny Knoxville and team wanted to do in making this movie, and working with us on the marketing after everything the world has been through."

Jackass Forever is the first Jackass film since 2010's Jackass 3D, not counting the Bad Grandpa spinoff.

Here at GameSpot, our Jackass Forever review scored the movie an 8/10. "Jackass Forever may look a bit different and be a bit older, but it still scratches that same itch it's been scratching for over 20 years--and it's still just as comforting now as it ever was," Chris Hayner wrote.

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