Imagine that something very special is about to happen…
And your best friend doesn’t tell you about it.
Whomp, whomp.
Yeah. You would NOT feel very good about that, would you?
Well, I may not be your BEST friend but I’d like to consider that I AM your friend…
And that’s why I feel compelled to tell you about something very special that is about to happen:
This is very time-sensitive, so please pay close attention.
But first, a little story…
What if I were to tell you that you can get a suite of 17+ applications you need to run your business now and into the future…software that others are paying $299.00 per month for…and you can have it all for $0.00?
Of course, you’d think I was crazy.
But hear me out.
Back in 1989 when you had to mail physical sales letters, Gary Halbert, one of the top marketers of all time, published a book and in that book was a chapter titled: “How To Mail Up To 100,000 Letters Per Week At No Cost Whatsoever! (not even postage).”
The gist of that chapter was that you would sell space in your mailing.
Each advertiser would pay a fee to put their flyer in the mailing and that would pay for printing, stuffing, and postage.
Then you would put your flyer in and it would cost you nothing for that. Brilliant, huh?
Well, now let’s get back to 2022…it’s a different world now with most marketers using the Internet rather than snail mail and that requires the right tools to run your business.
Groove, with the fastest page loads, is pulling ahead in many categories, including having an integrated platform of 17+ applications to run your business.
You can get a free lifetime account now but, although it’s robust enough for a new business to get started or to test out the platform when you start making real money from your business, you’ll need to upgrade.
If you don’t go with Groove and try to get all the software you need from different suppliers, you’ve got two major problems facing you.
- You’re going to have a lot of wasted time trying to get all the programs to play nice with each other. And, if you have to pay someone else to do it for you, you’ll waste even more money. And…
- When you add up what you’ll have to pay for each separate program, you’ll be paying a LOT MORE than you have to.
Enter Groove which gives you everything you need in one integrated platform.
And up until now, you could have gotten in for a one-time payment for life that is less than many marketers pay per month.
Here’s the time-sensitive part I mentioned earlier:
Until midnight, February 22nd, you can get that upgraded LIFETIME PLATINUM account to Groove for a one-time payment of less than two grand.
If two grand sounds like something to think about, hang on…
The beauty of Groove (actually there are probably hundreds of things I could put here, but I’ll just mention ONE) is that when you join Groove, you AUTOMATICALLY become an affiliate and earn up to 40% commission. (This is part of Mike Filsaime’s Butterfly Marketing philosophy).
So, if you get on your horse and sell just 3 copies, your commission will pay for the one-time fee plus an extra $399.40 for your effort.
And, keep in mind that you haven’t yet even sold one of your own products!
Plus, unlike Gary’s mailing idea, you don’t have to talk people into buying advertising space in a mailing…which is a LOT HARDER to do than selling 3 copies of Groove.
Selling 3 copies of Groove shouldn’t be too hard because you’re saving your friends or customers a whole bunch of money to get something better.
Now, I know you’re sitting there thinking, “Yeah, but that’s probably hard to do.”
Well, Angie Norris didn’t think so because she made $10,000+ in commissions in just her first week.
Of course, she’s gone on to make a LOT MORE but it’s an embarrassingly large amount and we don’t want to claim that everyone will be able to do that… besides, it’s a moving target for her…it keeps climbing.
She just jumped in and made good use of the affiliate program.
And get this: all of these commissions are aside from her main business.
How does she do this?
I’m not entirely sure but one thing for certain is that she is very sold on Groove.
Here’s what she had to say about it:
“I promise you this will be your best purchase of all time. There is nothing out there on the market that gives you this many things for a lifetime deal… THAT will save you thousands of dollars.”
And here’s what Jo-Ann Wolloff had to say:
“You can get Groove completely paid for in five or six days, if you work it. I went to five… I went to ten thousand… I’m now over fifty thousand.”
Look, I don’t want you to miss out on this.
Groove Platinum LIFETIME ENDS midnight, February 22nd and it will NEVER BE AVAILABLE EVER AGAIN.
Yeah, I know, lots of marketers say things like that but Groove’s co-founder Mike Filsaime has hardcoded it into the LIFETIME offer.
This means that even if you’re his best friend, relative, or whatever, he can’t get you a LIFETIME account after February 22nd.
You’ll have to pay the $299.00 per month price (still a great value for what it does, BTW).
“But,” you say, “I don’t know enough about it yet.”
Fair enough.
That’s why you should be on the webinar he’s doing on February 9th.
REGISTER HERE the webinar.