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February 11, 2022
The city chop down part of my trumpet vine and now it's growing everywhere in my garden you cut it off and it just makes it worse I poured weed killer straight on it and it didn't hurt anything didn't do anything how do I get rid of it in the garden
Nadia H.
February 15, 2022
Trumpet vine is a pesky invasive and very difficult to get rid of. Your one-time application of weed killer was likelyt not enough to kill it, the herbicide needs to be applied reguarly but in small amounts. Cut all the vines to the ground in the spring and apply the undiluted herbicide immediately before the cut surfaces callus over. Use an old toothbrush or a sponge dedicated just for that purpose to apply the herbicide over the cuts. Keep doing this during the growing season whenever the vines regrow.
February 6, 2022
Please reconsider the use of black plastic or landscape cloth to smother weeds. They represent a huge disposal problem, and,as they degrade , they put more bits of plastic into our soils, water, and eventually, our bodies. Instead,use cardboard or thick layers of newspapers covered with straw or other organic matter.(One caution-- as it absorbs moisture, cardboard becomes very slippery from the glues therein---my broken wrist revealed that particular peril). If you have any old pure cotton sheets, they, too make a great barrier that will decompose over time.
Nadia H.
February 7, 2022
I am 100% with you on trying to avoid plastic and other non-biodegradable materials but unfortunately, to get rid of a pesky weeds or invasives, you often have no other viable choice other than picking your poison. I am using 6-mm agricultural black plastic that lasts for years, and when it has done it's job I move it to a different spot for where it's needed, or store it away until further use. At the end, yes, it is still a plastic but one that gets many many uses. - I am using cardboard too but to prevent what you are describing, I cut off any edges beforehand to remove the glue.
February 6, 2022
What tools do you recommend?
Nadia H.
February 7, 2022
There are so many choices! Generally tools should be sturdy, durable but still feel comfortable and not too heavy in your hand (I like stainless steel for the blades). I mostly use a long-handled cultivator and hoe, a short-handled hoe, hand-trowel, soil knife, and a shovel for deep taproots.
John C.
February 6, 2022
All weeds are not a threat to gardens and lawns. Every spring, I take a knife and search for small dandelions on my unfertilized property. It is a lesson I learned from my grandmother. I thoroughly rinsed them several times in cold water and use them to make a wonderful spring salad!
Andi B.
January 29, 2022
I used to buy 25 lb bags of salt at Costco to sprinkle on the new weeds that would to spout up on our Sausalito hillside in the spring.
The salt did help a lot to control the growth of the weeds. Sadly Costco stopped selling the bags of salt last year.
(Only wilderness is below our property, so the salt doesn’t hurt anything other than the weeds.)
10 years ago we used to have few weeds and now, because of climate change, the weeds + grasses are so abundant I spent 8 days last year clearing them because when they die they become dry dangerous tinder for possible wildfires up here in Northern California.
I do still buy small containers of salt with the metal spout at the grocery store and pour on the weeds growing in the cracks of our large driveway. This keeps them from growing for around 5 years.
I might ask restaurant owners how I might buy 25 lb bags salt.
The salt did help a lot to control the growth of the weeds. Sadly Costco stopped selling the bags of salt last year.
(Only wilderness is below our property, so the salt doesn’t hurt anything other than the weeds.)
10 years ago we used to have few weeds and now, because of climate change, the weeds + grasses are so abundant I spent 8 days last year clearing them because when they die they become dry dangerous tinder for possible wildfires up here in Northern California.
I do still buy small containers of salt with the metal spout at the grocery store and pour on the weeds growing in the cracks of our large driveway. This keeps them from growing for around 5 years.
I might ask restaurant owners how I might buy 25 lb bags salt.
Nadia H.
January 31, 2022
Controlling weeds on a steep hillside is very challenging especially where dry vegetation is a wildfire risk. But applying salt has an ecological downside, similar to road salt used for snow and ice melt. Although the concentration of the table salt you apply might be less than road salt, it has the same chemical composition. Salt can linger in your soil as well as get into the freshwater ecosystem and endanger wildlife. If you ever decide to plant that hillside, to help combat erosion, you might have to wait until the soil has cleared of salt to allow desirable, fire-resistant plants to grow.
January 28, 2022
Not very helpful. Weed begone it.
Nadia H.
January 29, 2022
Weed B-gon is a conventional weed killer. This article discusses alternatives if you don’t want to use this type of product out of environmental concerns.
February 6, 2022
That’s Dicamba, and it is a threat to human health and crops from drift. The EPA is considering banning it.
Gail D.
February 8, 2022
I have a battle going with Houttuynia . I cannot deprive it of water . The bed it is planted in is always moist. I had a crew dig up all that was visible but couldn’t go deep enough. PLEASE tell me if there is anything I can do. It is an eyesore in the neighborhood!! Not to mention a threat of going under concrete and popping up somewhere else.
Nadia H.
February 9, 2022
Gail, I wish I could tell you a proven way to get rid of Houttuynia. Even choking it out for a few seasons as I described does not guarantee it won't come back somewhere else. Gardening writer Margaret Roach has post about it, which triggered lots of comments from people who tried, successsfully and unsuccessfully, to eradicate or at least control it, it might be helpful:
January 28, 2022
Boiling water works great for killing weeds in the cracks of the driveway and walks. Any time we're done with our cooking water, we take it outside and pour it on some weeds.
Nadia H.
January 29, 2022
Yes, if it’s in an easy-to-reach spot and applied in a targeted way like that without damaging other plants, repeatedly pouring boiling water on weeds can help keep them under control. And a good way of putting cooking water to use :-)
January 28, 2022
I will stick with my vinegar, salt & dishsoap to combat weeds. Unfortunately the products on the market do not have to divulge proprietary ingredients which compromises almost 80% of the product. In short, there’s no way to know then how safe these ingredients are for humans or the environment, either. These companies should be required, by law, to label every ingredient. Additionally, we need to put an end to the myth that chemicals are intended for cleaning the home. We clean our home without chemicals. Women, who are the major consumers of these types of products, should educate themselves on how chemicals in cleaning products can lead to hormone/endocrine disruption/cancers, respiratory illnesses, etc. The Safer product labels from the EPA are not dependable, unfortunately. The fragranced products with that label contain petrochemicals that are unregulated. Therefore, be wise and use non-toxic cleaning products only. And if they have fragrance, let it be from essential oils, not petrochemicals.
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