‘I’m not scared of death’: inside Taiwan’s brutal navy frogman bootcamp – in pictures
A group of 31 men started a 10-week intensive training program to become members of the Taiwan navy’s elite amphibious reconnaissance and patrol unit. It involved sleep deprivation and intense physical training, all while soaking wet. Only 15 finished
Trainees create a ‘sand storm’ as the morning training concludes
Trainees navigate sewage-contaminated water. Over six days and five nights, the volunteers to enter the ARP have to endure everything from long marches to hours in the water, with constant screaming by their instructors
Trainees sleep outside on a rough concrete floor. They may only end up with five minutes of sleep, huddled together on the floor under light green blankets, awoken with shrill whistle blasts
Trainees eat spiced garlic with their meal. Every six hours they have a one-hour break. In that time they have to eat – scarfing down bulbs of garlic to boost their immune systems
A trainer shouts at a trainee who cannot keep up with the exercises. ‘Are you a sleeping beauty? Are you skipping out on class?’ a trainer shouts at the wiry men, who have barely slept in days
A trainee dressed in camouflage wades through sewage-contaminated water
Ou Zhi-Xuan, 25, cries in pain as a fellow trainee helps him stretch
Ma Shuo-Fu, a trainee, is encouraged to stay on the program by his fellow trainees
Trainees do push-ups during a smoke bomb simulation
Trainees are sprayed with water to keep them awake
Wu Yu-wei, 26, cries as two fellow trainees leave the program. He says he considers it a ‘personal challenge’ to complete the course
Liu Zi-Xian, 25, has his blood pressure measured in an ambulance after falling ill
Xie Bo-Jun embraces his father after passing the course. Once across the ‘road to heaven’ finish line, and congratulated by Marine Corps commander Wang Jui-lin, the stress of the past week is too much for some of the marines, who burst into tears in the arms of proud family members invited to see them graduate