Home Public Health Syllabus for Nursing Officer-Gandaki Province PSC

Syllabus for Nursing Officer-Gandaki Province PSC

by Public Health Update

Technical outline

First paper

1 Nursing concept & Principles 20%
1.1 Nursing Theory
1.1.1. V. Henderson
1.1.2. D. Orem
1.1.3. Roy’s
1.1.4. Florence Nightingale
1.1.5. Peplau’s Interpersonal Theory,
1.1.6 Cultural Care Theory
1.2. Nursing Process
1.2.1 Steps of Nursing process
1.3. Pain and Stress management
1.3.1 Nursing Management
1.3.2 Medical Management
1.4. Holistic Health Care
1.4.1 Components of holistic health care
1.4.2 Methods of holistic care
1.4.3 Alternative medicines
1.5 Creativity in Nursing
1.5.1 Methods of creativity
1.5.2 Barriers of creativity
1.6. Professional Development
1.6.1 Nursing ethics
1.6.2 Trends
1.6.3 Professional and clients right
1.6.4 Legal Right
1.6.5 Human Right, Child Right and Women’s Right
1.6.6 ICN code of Nursing
1.6.7 ICM code of Nursing
1.6.8 (N.A.N.) Nursing Association of Nepal
1.6.9 (N.N.C.) Nepal Nursing Council
1.6.10 Laws related to health and nursing Medico legal case Disposal of dead body Organ transplantation Narcotic Drugs Abortion

2 Behavioral Science and Psychology applied in Nursing 10%
2.1 Major cultural groups and their health seeking behaviour.
2.2 Factors affecting health of the people.
2.2.1 Socio economic conditions
2.2.2 Education
2.2.3 Politics
2.2.4 Gender
2.2.5 Physical environment
2.2.6 Social Cultural Background
2.3 Social problems in Nepal
2.3.1 Population explosion and migration

2.3.2 Poverty
2.3.3 Unemployment
2.3.4 Substance abuse
2.3.5 Suicide and other mental health problems
2.3.6 Prostitution
2.3.7 Violence
2.3.8 Child abuse / Exploitation
2.3.9 Gender bias
2.3.10 Girl trafficking
2.4 Psychology applied to Nursing
2.4.1 Characteristics of human behavior
2.4.2 Causes of behavioral changes
2.4.3 Emotional development
2.4.4 Control of emotions

3 Education Science in Nursing 15%
3.1 Teaching and Learning
3.1.1 Principles
3.1.2 Factors which affect Teaching / Learning
3.2 Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher.
3.3 Ethics in Teaching/Learning
3.4 Teaching Methods and Media
3.4.1 Teaching methods Microteaching problems Evidenced based learning Self directed learning Seminar/Symposium exhibition Case study presentation
3.4.2 Media Audio Aids Video Aids Audio / Video Aids
3.5 In-service Education
3.5.1 Need Assessment
3.5.2 Planning, organizing & conducting
3.5.3 Class room teaching
3.5.4 Clinical Teaching
3.5.5 Evaluation and Feedback
3.6 Components of Curriculum Development
3.7 Evaluation
3.7.1 Types
3.7.2 Characteristics of evaluation tools

4 Health Care Management 20%
4.1 Trends of Healthcare delivery system in Nepal
4.2 Management:
4.2.1 Concept, principles, theories
4.2.2 Resource management
4.3 Planning:
4.3.1 Elements, process
4.3.2 Benefits and Limitation
4.4 Organization
4.4.1 Types, Principles, elements
4.5 Organizational behavior
4.5.1 Group Dynamic
4.5.2 Communication
4.5.3 Organizational conflict and management (Problem solving)
4.6 Organizational structures of Health Care Delivery system in Nepal (MoHP, Provincial and Local Level Health Institution)
4.7 Leadership
4.7.1 Theories
4.7.2 Types
4.7.3 Functions
4.7.4 Characteristics
4.8 Supervision and monitoring
4.8.1 Concept
4.8.2 Purpose
4.9 Personnel development
4.9.1 Motivation
4.9.2 Morale and Discipline
4.9.3 Leadership and decision making
4.10Human Recourse Development
4.10.1 Elements, steps
4.10.2 Production/distribution
4.11 Health Economics
4.11.1 Concepts
4.11.2 Demand and supply
4.11.3 Cost benefit and cost effectiveness in Nursing Management
4.11.4 Application in Nursing service
4.12 Health Information Management
4.13 Disaster Management
4.14 Quality Assurance Management
4.15 Job description
4.16 National Policies
4.16.1 Health Provision in Constitution
4.16.2 Health Act 2053, Regulation 2055
4.16.3 National Health Policy 2076
4.16.4 Strategy Priority
4.17 Current fifth five- year plan
4.18 Millennium development goal/sustainable development health.
4.19 Second long-term health plan

5 Research & Statistics 15%
5.1 Research Terminology
5.1.1 Variables
5.1.2 Principles
5.1.3 Hypothesis
5.1.4 Operational definitions
5.1.5 Limitations & Delimitations
5.1.6 Validity & Reliability
5.2 Ethics & Regulations in Health & Nursing Research
5.2.1 Ethics in Research.

5.2.2 National Ethical guidelines in Health research in Nepal (NHRC)
5.3 Methodology
5.3.1 Types of research
5.3.2 Sampling Techniques
5.3.3 Method of data collection
5.3.4 Development of Instrument
5.3.5 Statistical Data analysis
5.3.6 Report writing & Dissemination
5.4 Importance of Research in Nursing services .

6 Applied Health Sciences 10%
6.1 Anatomy and physiology of :
6.1.1 Cardiovascular System
6.1.2 Respiratory system
6.1.3 Digestive system
6.1.4 Muscular skeletal system
6.1.5 Nervous system
6.1.6 Special senses
6.1.7 Reproductive system
6.1.8 Endocrine system
6.2 Pharmacology
6.2.1 Principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic
6.2.2 Important Drugs and their actions
6.2.3 List of essential Drugs as specified by WHO/ DDA ( Department of Drug Administration)
6.2.4 Life saving drugs
6.3 Patho-physiology
6.3.1 General concepts of necrosis
6.3.2 Inflammation
6.3.3 Thrombosis
6.3.4 Embolism
6.3.5 wound – healing (oedema )
6.3.6 Neoplasms
6.3.7 Antigens and antibodies
6.4 Microbiology
6.4.1 Classification of Micro – organism
6.4.2 Microbial Morphology and the process of : Drug sensitivity testing Important terminologies Opportunistic infections Pathogens Bacterial toxins
6.4.3 Sterilization Different methods and Types
6.5 Biochemistry
6.5.1 Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate, protein and fat
6.5.2 Malabsorption
6.5.3 Classifications of vitamins and requirement of different age group
6.6 Nutrition
6.6.1 Assessment of Nutrition status
6.6.2 Therapeutic diet in various medical conditions
6.6.3 Menu planning & calculation of calorie for different age group
6.6.4 Food belief & practice/food safety
6.6.5 Common Nutritional deficiency diseases .

7 Mental Health 10%
7.1 Concept of mental health / Illness
7.1.1 Neuroses
7.1.2 Psychoses
7.1.3 Mental Retardation
7.1.4 Epilepsy
7.1.5 Alcohols and Drug abuse
7.1.6 Psychosexual problems
7.2 Role and Responsibilities of Nurse in :
7.2.1 Primodial Prevention
7.2.2 Primary Prevention
7.2.3 Secondary Prevention
7.2.4 Tertiary prevention
7.3 Modality of Treatment
7.3.1 Drug therapy
7.3.2 ECT
7.3.3 Counseling
7.3.4 Diversional Therapy
7.3.5 Legal Responsibilities
7.3.6 Emergency management of violent patient
7.4 Common Mental Health problems in Nepal

Second paper

Section A – 30 Marks

  1. History of community health Nursing in Nepal; Changing Concept in public health/disease/ health illness continuum /PHC 10%
    1.1 Determinants of health
    1.2 Responsibilities of Individual, family, group, & community
    1.3 Concept of PHC
    1.4 Principles of PHC
    1.5 Elements of PHC
  2. Community diagnosis and Community participation 10%
    2.1 Concept and Process of Community diagnosis
    2.2 Concept, Process, Purpose, Barriers and resource mobilization in community participation
  3. Community health Nursing Management 10%
    3.1 Planning
    3.2 Organizing
    3.3 Implementing/follow up
    3.4 Supervision & monitoring
    3.5 Evaluating
    3.6 Referral

    Section B – 30 Marks
  4. Recording/Reporting Family Health & Reproductive Health 20%
    4.1 Role and responsibilities of Nurse in providing Family Health Care.
    4.2 Importance of Home visit.
    4.3 Reproductive Health
    4.3.1 Concept
    4.3.2 Components
    4.3.3 Life span reproductive health care
    4.3.4 Safe motherhood
    4.3.5 Family planning
    4.3.6 Care and Prevention of HIV/AIDS /STI
  5. Domiciliary midwifery services & Responsibilities 10%
    5.1 Domiciliary midwifery services
    5.1.1 Birth preparedness package
    5.1.2 Basic Emergency Obstetric Care
    5.1.3 Clean, home delivery services
    5.1.4 Supervision and guidance in domiciliary midwifery service
    5.1.5 Postnatal care
    5.1.6 Post abortion care
    5.2 Role and Responsibilities of following professionals
    5.2.1 RHD (Regional Health Director)
    5.2.2 Senior Public Health Nurse
    5.2.3 Community Nursing Officer
    5.2.4 Public Health Nurse
    5.2.5 Staff Nurse (PHCC)
    5.2.6 ANM/AHW
    5.2.7 MCHW
    5.2.8 FCHW
  6. Epidemiology and vital health statistics. 10%
    3.1 Health, economics and socio-indicators.
    3.2 Epidemiological approach & methods.
  7. Occupational Health 10%
    5.1 Occupational health hazards
    5.2 Preventive measures

    Section D – 20 Marks
  8. Special health program in Nepal 10%
    8.1 Nutrition
    8.2 ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection)
    8.3 CDD (Control of Diarrhoeal Disease)
    8.4 Maternal and child health care Family Planning
  9. Common communicable and Non-communicable diseases 10%
    9.1 Communicable diseases
    9.1.1 TB
    9.1.2 Malaria, Kala Azar, Encephalitis
    9.1.3 HIV/AIDS, STI
    9.1.4 Hepatitis ‘B’
    9.1.5 Water borne diseases
    9.1.6 Covid-19
    9.2 Non-communicable diseases
    9.2.1 Heart Disease
    9.2.2 Diabetes
    9.2.3 Cancer
    9.2.4 Mental Problems
    9.2.5 Hypertension


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