Product · November 01, 2021

Download History

The latest feature on Unsplash

Unsplash Team
Unsplash Team

One thing is for sure… there are a LOT of images on Unsplash. 3,319,371 to be exact. That is why we just made it easier to re-visit and re-download any image.

Introducing our latest feature, Download History.

In your Account Settings you’ll find a new section called ‘Download History’ that contains a list of all the images you’ve previously downloaded.

Majority of our updates stem from the features that you, the community, ask for. Check out the feature and if you have feedback, let us know!


How can I access my download history? You can find “Download History” in your account settings.

Do I need to be logged in to access my download history? Yes! It only stores data for logged-in users. Don’t have an account yet? You can make one here.

How often does my download history update? It shows your most recent 100 downloads (starting now).

Can I send a pay-pal thank you in my download history? Absolutely. If the contributor has set up a link, a PayPal icon appears beside each downloaded image.

Can I delete my download history? You can’t delete your history, but it is private and only visible to you!

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