jaeles v0.17.1 beta releases: The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing

Jaeles is a powerful, flexible, and easily extensible framework written in Go for building your own Web Application Scanner.

Changelog v0.17.1-beta

  • Update dependencies.
  • Small improvement to allow proxy can be applied in chrome headless
  • Refactor and fix some bugs.


go get -u github.com/jaeles-project/jaeles


Jaeles - The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing beta v0.1 by @j3ssiejjj

jaeles [command]

Available Commands:
config Configuration CLI
help Help about any command
scan Do the Scan
server Run server

-c, --concurrency int concurrency (default 20)
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.jaeles/config.yaml)
--debug Debug
-h, --help help for jaeles
--no-output Do not store raw output
-o, --output string output folder name (default "out")
--proxy string proxy
--refresh int Refresh (default 10)
--retry int retry (default 3)
--rootDir string root Project (default "~/.jaeles/")
--save-raw save raw request
--scanID string Scan ID
--signDir string signFolder (default "~/.jaeles/signatures-base/")
--timeout int timeout (default 20)
-v, --verbose Verbose

Use "jaeles [command] --help" for more information about a command.




Scan list of URLs based on signatures

jaeles scan [flags]

-h, --help help for scan
-s, --sign string Provide custom header seperate by ';'
--ssrf string Fill your BurpCollab
-u, --url string URL of target
-U, --urls string URLs file of target


Examples Command

# scan all signature for single url

jaeles scan -u http://example.com

# scan phpdebug.yaml signature for list of urls

jaeles scan -s signatures/common/phpdebug.yaml -U /tmp/list_of_urls.txt

# scan all signatures with “aem” prefix for list of urls

jaeles scan --retry 3 --verbose -s "signatures/cves/aem-*" -U /tmp/list_of_urls.txt


Start API Server

jaeles server [flags]

-h, --help help for server
--host string IP address to bind the server (default "")
-l, --level int16 Provide custom header seperate by ';' (default 1)
--port string Port (default "5000")
-s, --sign string Provide custom header seperate by ';'


Examples Command

# scan API server on

jaeles server

# scan API server on with default signature sqli

jaeles --verbose server -s sqli

Burp Integration


Copyright (c) 2019 j3ssie

Source: https://github.com/jaeles-project/