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Star Stephen Lang On The Avatar 5 Script -- "I Was Weeping"

"When I finished the last script, I was weeping. I just thought it was so beautiful."


Actor Stephen Lang returns to play the villain in the upcoming Avatar movie sequels, and now he's shared a little more insight on the films. Speaking to Collider, Lang said he became overwhelmed with emotion when he finished reading the script for the final one, Avatar 5.

"When I finished the last script, I was weeping. I just thought it was so beautiful. Yeah, the final script because he's telling a great, great story, an original story, a beautiful, beautiful story, and I was just incredibly moved by it," Lang said. "I hope and I trust and believe that audiences will be, too, because one of the things that he does really, really well is he moves it from the page to the stage in a way that that is very literal. You know what I mean? You really see it. What you read is what you get from him, I think, and more."

Also in the interview, Lang sang the praises of director James Cameron. Lang said Cameron is "definitely pushing it big time on this one," in reference to the use of technology.

The original Avatar was released in theaters in 2009 and it remains the highest-grossing movie in history with $2.847 billion at the box office. The sequels have been a long time coming, but the first of multiple planned sequels is finished filming and is slated for release in December 2022. Avatar 3, 4, and 5 are planned for release later into the future.

Outside of the movies, Ubisoft's The Division studio is making a new Avatar game called Frontiers of Pandora, which is also slated for release in 2022. In other news, Matt Damon recently spoke about how he turned down the chance to star in Avatar and missed out on $100 million.

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