Languages of Europe around 600 AD

Languages of Europe around 600 AD


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Language Map of Europe showing all extant languages.
[[MORE]]by Gwiwer179:
“Note: This map isn’t fully accurate, it is just to show all current languages in Europe as most language maps always miss a few. I didn’t make the basemap either....A linguistic map of the languages and dialects within Europe
MuturZikin - Linguistic maps of Europe, Africa, America and Oceania. Priority is given to endangered languages and minority linguistic people.The word orange in different European languages.
by Bezbojnicul
TIL that “Oranges” are called “Portugal” in several languages because:
“Portuguese merchants were presumably the first to introduce the sweet orange in Europe, in...Slavic languages in Europe.
by nerdy.mapsMap of known Paleo-European languages, including substrate languages.
The Paleo-European languages are the mostly unknown languages that were spoken in Europe prior to the spread of the Indo-European and Uralic families caused by the Bronze Age...Non Indo-European languages in Europe
Of the approximately 45 million Europeans speaking non-Indo-European languages, most speak languages within either the Uralic or Turkic families. Still smaller groups — such as Basque (language isolate), Semitic...Indoeuropean languages in Europe
Historical Roots: The Indo-European language family is believed to have originated in the Eurasian Steppe around 4000-2500 BCE. From there, groups of speakers migrated to various parts of Europe, contributing to the...Europe mapped by languages of tweets.Dialects and languages of eastern europeLanguages of Western Europe Spoken Across the World 2.0
“  Since my other map got quite a lot of activity, I decided to make another one. Ask if you have any questions about why I included a certain thing or why I did not.
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