Where does the 4th Amendment protect you from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the government?
The 4th Amendment of the US Constitution protects citizens from searches without a warrant. This protection does not obtain at national...

Where does the 4th Amendment protect you from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the government?

The 4th Amendment of the US Constitution protects citizens from searches without a warrant. This protection does not obtain at national borders. In 1953 the US Department of Justice decided unilaterally that this “border zone” was any place within 100 miles of the actual US border.

(Source: reddit.com)

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    Most of the US population lives in this 100 mile border.
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    Hm, this range includes, among othersNew York CityBostonPhiladelphiaWashington DCThe entire state of FloridaNew...
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