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Peloton Treadmills Have Been Recalled After 1 Death & Over 70 Reports Of Injuries

People and pets are being pulled under the machines.

Peloton Treadmills Have Been Recalled After 1 Death & Over 70 Reports Of Injuries

On Wednesday, May 5, a voluntary Peloton recall was announced for the Peloton Tread+ and Peloton Tread treadmills. This follows the death of a child and over 70 incident reports.

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"Consumers who have purchased either treadmill should immediately stop using it and contact Peloton for a full refund or other qualified remedy as described in the press releases below," said the recall notice by the company.

According to the government recall notice, a 6-year-old child died after being pulled under one of the recalled treadmills and Peloton has received a total of 72 reports of adults, kids and pets being pulled under the machines, as well.

These reports include incidents of "second- and third-degree abrasions, broken bones, and lacerations."

"The decision to recall both products was the right thing to do for Peloton's Members and their families. I want to be clear, Peloton made a mistake in our initial response to the Consumer Product Safety Commission's request that we recall the Tread+. We should have engaged more productively with them from the outset. For that, I apologize," said Peloton's CEO John Foley in the statement.

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