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Python-5 Air to Air Missile : Simplified
#Python-5#AirtoAirMissile #UPSCSimplified Drishti IAS presents to you a new daily program, SIMPLIFIED - covering all relevant and important topics from UPSC and state PSC point of view.  This video covers the given topic,Python-5 Air to Air Missile, in the following structure 1. Why In News? 2. Key Points 3. About Python-5 Air to Air Missile In this program, one particular topic of current affairs will be discussed in a comprehensive and concise manner covering static and factual information along with the conceptual ideas. This will make it easy for the aspirant to understand, retain and draw interlinkages. This program will help not only in prelims but also in all Mains as well as in Essay papers. To read more, refer to: This video cover: Subject: Defence Technology, GS-3 Topic: Python-5 Air to Air Missile

Drishti IAS : English

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