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The characters are very vivid!

Title: Spying the Alcove
Author: Laura Tolomei
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 9781554873470
Released: August 2009
Format: Ebook
Price: $4.77
Length: 118 Pages
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Erotica, Gay LGBTQA+, Ménage à Trois
Rating: 3.5 Tombstones
Reviewer: Bitten by Book


This story of love and acceptance was a very intimate look at two lovers finding a bond between themselves. The book shifts between remembrances of Andrea and his former lovers, the present with the two men and the vision scenes with Lidia and her lovers as the story flows from one to another. At times, I found this a bit confusing but I can also understand the direction the author chose to follow in this endeavor. The characters are very vivid and the progression in Valerio’s attitude towards Andrea as he faces his true feelings are portrayed very well.


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