Subsidy for repair works explained

February 26, 2021

The Government is considering that the subsidy for owners of old buildings to carry out drainage repair or enhancement works will cover about 80% of the costs involved, Secretary for Development Michael Wong said today.


Meeting the media after attending a radio programme, Mr Wong explained that the subsidy scheme will closely follow the framework for Operation Building Bright 2.0 and consist of two parts.


"One part will be subsidies for buildings with owners who can organise repair works by themselves in a joint effort.


"The other part will be for buildings with owners who cannot organise themselves to do the renovation works necessary. These works will be done for them by the Buildings Department."


He added that the subsidy under the proposed scheme will cover part of the expenses for the works.


"What we are thinking now is we will cover up to 80% of the costs involved.


"The reason is that, if we use public money to fully cover the costs involved, there might be risk of moral hazard, because owners might believe that even if they do not maintain the upkeep of the building, every time repair works will be covered by money from the public purse.


"We do not think it is a wise move. So owners will have to shoulder part of the costs, and at the moment, we are thinking about 20% will be the right approach."

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