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Everything Coming To Amazon Prime Video In March If You Are Craving Something New

Fresh content you'll want to binge! 📺
Staff Writer

Clear your schedule; it is time for another streaming marathon. This March, you can look forward to so many fresh movies and series on Amazon Prime Video.

If you loved watching Alexander Skarsgard in Big Little Lies and True Blood, you want to see him in The Stand. Or if crime shows are more your thing, The Gloaming is a must-see.

So go ahead and get cozy on the sofa. We have all the top picks that you'll want to stream ASAP.

Editor's Choice: 7 Chilling Series & Movies To Binge ASAP If You've Already Finished 'Behind Her Eyes'

The Stand

Rating: 5.5/10

When: March 19

Why You Need To Watch It: Based upon Stephen King's apocalyptic novel, the series stars Alexander Skarsgard and Whoopi Goldberg.

Coming 2 America

Rating: N/A

When: March 5

Why You Need To Watch It: You'll be laughing non-stop as you watch King Akeem (Eddie Murphy) travel the globe.


Rating: N/A

When: March 26

Why You Need To Watch It: Based upon the comic books of the creator of The Walking Dead, you won't want to miss season one of this superhero hit.

The Luminaries

Rating: 6.3/10

When: March 11

Why You Need To Watch It: Set in the 1860s gold rush, it has something for everyone, including romance, magic and murder.

Big Brother Canada

Rating: 5.5/10

When: March 4

Why You Need To Watch It: You'll finally get to watch season nine starting March 4, with new episodes airing weekly on STACKTV.

The Gloaming

Rating: 6.6/10

When: March 21

Why You Need To Watch It: The crime drama is about a detective who needs to investigate a 20-year-old cold case after discovering a recent gruesome murder.

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