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Justin Trudeau And Joe Biden Had A Meeting Today & Had Plenty Of Nice Words For Each Other

President Biden even busted out a tiny bit of French.
Justin Trudeau And Joe Biden Had A Meeting Today & Had Plenty Of Nice Words For Each Other
Staff Writer

It was good vibes all around from Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden after a meeting between the two on Tuesday afternoon.

The two world leaders met back in 2016 when Biden was vice president, and it's clear that their friendship hasn't lessened since then.

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The United States has no closer and no more important friend than Canada. Joe Biden

The duo met via video call on Tuesday, February 23, and discussed COVID-19, climate change, competition with China, NATO and national security, and issues related to the Arctic in their meeting.

Speaking to reporters after the two-hour meeting concluded, both Trudeau and Biden spoke of the importance of the Canada-USA relationship.

"Canadians and Americans are innovative, creative, entrepreneurial, competitive, open-hearted," Biden said. "There's nothing we cannot achieve when we commit ourselves to it."

"Canada and the United States are each other's closest allies, most important trading partners and oldest friends," Trudeau answered, "and we stand united to beat this pandemic and build a better tomorrow."

Trudeau finished his remarks by telling President Biden that he hoped to see him in person soon, adding a "merci, mon ami" at the end.

Biden responded with a cheeky bit of French as well, saying "au revoir" to Trudeau as he headed off-screen.

"Bonsoir!" Trudeau responded.

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