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McGill & Concordia Told Us Their Tentative Plans For The Next 2 Semesters

What could fall 2021 look like on university campuses?

As the general population begins to receive COVID-19 vaccines in Quebec, and provincial officials slowly reopen post-secondary schools and cultural centres, McGill University and Concordia University are beginning to make some changes for the Summer and Fall 2021 semesters.  

McGill University will be shifting from remote learning to in-person teaching on campus as of fall 2021, a February 23 statement issued by the university confirmed. 

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Plan for a return to more regular rhythms of on-campus academic activity by September. 

McGill University

Shirley Cardenas, a spokesperson for McGill, told MTL Blog the university started offering optional in-person seminars, tutorials, conferences and some laboratory courses as of February 8. 

However, remote alternatives are currently available for students who do not want to attend course activities in person. 

The university's statement says it expects to return to "more regular rhythms" of on-campus activity by September 2021.

Concordia University announced that its summer 2021 semester will be held remotely, with the exception of labs, studios and courses where in-person presence is required.

The university said it plans to hold in-person final exams for a limited number of courses this summer.

A list of courses requiring an in-person activity or final exams will be published in mid-March, according to the statement.

Vannina Maestracci, a spokesperson for Concordia, told MTL Blog that the university will make an announcement regarding its Fall 2021 semester sometime this May.

"Public health conditions permitting, we are looking at a hybrid model of remote and in-person instruction," Maestracci said.

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