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An Ontario Provincial Park Is Now Light-Free So You Can Gaze Into An Endless Starry Sky

It's the first Dark Sky Park in the province.✨
Senior Writer

There's a new place to stargaze in the province, and you don't need to worry about bright lights ruining your view. 

Quetico Provincial Park just became the only Ontario Dark Sky Park recognized by the International Dark-Sky Association

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[rebelmouse-image 26009088 photo_credit="Quetico Provincial Park | Handout" expand=1 original_size="2120x1418"] Quetico Provincial Park | Handout

Located outside of Thunder Bay, the park now offers an amazing stargazing experience free from light pollution. 

You can drink in views of a twinkling night sky similar in quality to what someone would've seen 1000 years ago.

The light-pollution-free area will also benefit animals who rely on the cycles of light and dark for feeding and migration. 

It took the park two years to earn the designation, and the process consisted of things such as sky quality measurements and special light fixtures. 

Both Killarney Provincial Park and Lake Superior Provincial Park are also dark sky areas, although they were designated by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

Add this spot to your bucket list for some amazing starry views.

Quetico Provincial Park

Price: Prices vary

Address: 108 Saturn Ave., Atikokan, ON

Why You Need To Go: Enjoy the splendour of an undisturbed night sky at this newly designated dark-sky area. 

[rebelmouse-image 26009089 photo_credit="Quetico Provincial Park | Handout" expand=1 original_size="7143x4714"] Quetico Provincial Park | Handout

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