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Quebec Was Voted The Worst Canadian Province For Handling The Pandemic

Not exactly the title we were hoping for...
Quebec Was Voted The Worst Canadian Province For Handling The Pandemic
Contributing Writer

Quebecers tend to face many frustrations when it comes to how the provincial government is managing the pandemic... But seems it's not just us.

As it turns out, Canadians across the country also agree and have voted Quebec as having the worst management of the COVID-19 crisis.

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[rebelmouse-image 26808215 photo_credit="Narrative Research" expand=1 original_size="444x333"] Narrative Research

This survey, by Narrative Research, asked 1,233 Canadians for their thoughts on regional governments' approaches this past January.

One-third (33%) of those asked deemed Quebec to have done the worst job.

It seems the typical Quebec-Ontario rivalry isn't really at play here as our neighbours to the west came in second-last place with 24% deeming the Ontarian approach as the worst.

As for who has been doing the best in the eyes of Canadians, the Atlantic provinces are seen as the best with 24%. 

Not all is lost, though — 6% of Canadians think that Quebec is doing the best job of dealing with everything.

So, at least there's that.

A survey from March 2020 revealed that 94% of Quebecers thought Premier Legault was going a good job handling the pandemic, but it seems that number has plummeted since then.

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