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A Naked Intruder, A Hot Tub & A Snowmobile: QC Police Report Has Too Much For One Headline

No. words.
Senior Editor

In a bizarre report published Monday, the police department of the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais details how a call regarding an alleged assault led them to discover an illegal gathering in the Quebec town of La Pêche and a story involving an alleged naked intruder. 

It all began on the night of February 20, when, according to the police report, "officers were called to intervene at the home of a 34-year-old victim in a case of assault causing injuries" following "an altercation occurred at a nearby cottage."

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17 total number of fines

At 1:40 a.m., on their way to the victim's home, police say they came across a car with five people inside who were "coming from a cottage nearby." Officers issued tickets to the passengers for violating curfew.

Later, after the victim was sent to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, police learned "that the victim had travelled by snowmobile to a nearby cottage and returned with injuries," the report reads.

"Due to the isolated location and the late hour, officers simply followed the tracks of the intercepted vehicle that led them to a cottage."

There, they say they found nine people between the ages of 19 and 23.

The officers then learned that that the victim allegedly "came to the cottage, without being invited and took off all his clothes in order to join the ladies who were in the [hot tub]." 

Police claim there is a cellphone recording of this incident.

"Unfortunately," police say, "the plan did not work and the man was allegedly assaulted when he tried to get inside [the] house."

The report concludes with a summary of the fines police issued over the course of the evening: "5 fines to the people in the intercepted car (curfew), 9 fines to the people present in the cottage (gathering), 2 fines to the victim (curfew and disturbing the peace) and finally 1 fine to a lady who lied to the police regarding her identity."

This article's cover image is used for illustrative purposes only.

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