Suicide rate per 100,000 people.
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Suicide rate per 100,000 people.

by geographyview

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Suicides in Europe, 2012.Male suicides to female suicides ratio in europeSuicides in Europe, 2012.Suicide rate in Europe, 2018 WHO.
by maps._.factoryyour-instructions-from-moscow:
“ “Europe Under Communist Domination
Dimitri J. Tosevic, The World Crisis in Maps (Wilfred Funk, 1954)
- - -
This map falls into a certain genre, one that we might call the “red menace map” (I’m bad with coming up...A satirical map of Europe, from 4chan /int/.
More satirical maps >>‘Test map’ of Europe from a 1910 Dutch 'drawing atlas’.
[[MORE]]From the introduction of this 105-year-old 9th edition of the R. Bos Teekenatlas (or, 'drawing atlas’):
“Using pen or pencil to complete maps which feature the most prominent locations...Europe, 1919, after the First World War. The turbulent inter-war years begin.
A gallery of five different maps dating from 1919 to 1923 that shows just how much change in borders and nations occurred in this time period. I’m sure...Suicide rates in Europe, 2012.
Source and details >>Differences between Google Maps and Yandex Maps in Europe
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  5. doitlikeadog said: the closer to Russia you are the more you want to kill yourself
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