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Biggest Battlefield 6 Rumors

Battlefield 2021 is confirmed for an upcoming spring reveal, and with rumors flying it's time to look at what might be in the game.

Battlefield 6 has a release date sometime around Holiday 2021. The game was confirmed in an investor call that used vaguely worded statements like the game having a never-before-seen scale, ambitious ideas, and a next-gen vision. Rumors have since started spilling out about what in-game mechanics those statements might translate to.

In this video, we're looking at what those rumors--such as fully destructible cities, 128-player matches, free-to-play elements, a battle pass, cosmetics, and cross-play--could mean for the game. Specifically, we're going to explore why some of these ideas might be good or bad and compare them to what past Battlefield games have tried.

The next Battlefield game is set to release on next-gen PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC around late 2021. We expect to get the first real details at a reveal event slated for this spring.