
UK BIM Alliance: raising ‘awareness of BIM’ still a challenge

The UK BIM Alliance says raising “awareness and understanding of information management using BIM” remain its biggest challenges for the year ahead.

In its latest annual report (, the Alliance’s implementation co-leads stated: “Our grand challenges for 2021 are still around the industry’s awareness and peoples’ understanding of Information Management using BIM. We will continue to promote and support industry’s adoption of the UK BIM Framework and work with the community programmes to encourage industry to move away from ‘BIM Level 2’. We want to shift the perception that BIM is all about 3D geometry and promote BIM for information.”

Developments in Q1 include the launch of a State of the Nation survey and the launch of individual professional certification under the BuildingSmart UK & Ireland initiative.

Casey Rutland, BuildingSmart UK & Ireland Chair, said: “This will set the standard for BIM education and training in the UK & Ireland in line with the BuildingSmart International Learning Outcome Framework and has been extended to address the requirements of the UK BIM Framework.”

The Alliance will also seek to develop better links between its regions and communities groups and the professional organisations that join as affiliates (such as the Chartered Institute of Building, the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Finishes and Interiors Sector, which all joined last year).

Paul Wilkinson, tech group chair, noted that work will continue to draw in technology suppliers: “A 2020 objective was to expand the Technology Group so that its membership embraced a broader range of technologies. This has only partially been achieved, so widening the group’s vendor representation will remain an objective for 2021.”

Pam Bhandal and Andy Boutle, engagement co-leads, added further clarity: “We will work on raising the profile of the Technology Group and will also bring in a more diverse membership. Technology vendors supporting asset/facilities management, surveying real estate, etc. are examples of these.”

Image: 109179483 © Pop Nukoonrat |

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  1. For what its worth:- An industry whose people work with and are measured by documents will struggle to transiton to a data concentric model. Start by measuring by the quality of their data, make it easy to comply not by lowering the bar but by rewarding success.

  2. Too many software organistations within the industry are focusing on BIM ‘brand’ adoption and cornering of the market rather than greater interoperability and accessibility! BIM adoption and implementation is currently a top down approach seen as only being relevant on larger projects – there needs to be greater support for its benefit and adoption on smaller projects.

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