Recently I joked with Thomas that I was going to use him as a foot stool. I don’t remember how it came up in conversation or why that thought popped into my head but I said it. He replied back, “Well you know I would love it.”  I could tell he was half-joking and half hoping I was serious. I always thought the idea was silly but the last post that I wrote about trying something new, was fresh in my mind so I decided to give it a try. I think I surprised him when I replied, “We will see about that. The next time we get the house to ourselves, be prepared to be my footstool.”

I like to give him advance notice on things every now and then because I know it drives him wild. I knew his mind would fill with fantasies about me using him as footstool up until the day it happens. It is like he is self-teasing himself so it keeps his perverted little mind occupied for days with little effort from me and then when I am ready to use him, he is all horned up and weak for me. True to my word, the first night that the kids would be out of the house for hours, I laid out silky pink panties on the bed for my foot stool to wear, grabbed my kindle for reading, and waited for him in the living room.
He stood be for me in nothing but the panties while I was fully dressed in my normal ‘street clothes.’ His cock was already hard. I love that the anticipation is enough to get him fully aroused. I probably could have brought him to an orgasm right there in less than a minute. Instead I ordered him on the floor. He got down on his hands and elbows and kept his back as flat as he could. I sat back, placed my feet on his back and began to read. He remained still and quiet while I read, without me having to tell him to do so. I made sure to adjust my feet every now and then as a reminder to him of my presence.
After about five minutes, I asked if he was ok. He replied, “Yes Goddess.” I reached down and stroked his cock through the panties. He had softened a bit and it only took a few seconds to him back to a raging hard-on. Then I resumed my reading. I could tell it was uncomfortable for him but he did not complain. It is fascinating to me that guys will not only suffer to please and obey a woman, but they will get aroused and excited by it. There is not physical pleasure from being a foot stool. Remaining still while supporting my feet on elbows and knees it uncomfortable and not the easiest to endure.  However, there is a mental pleasure that occurs. Being beneath my feet is symbolic of his place in our marriage. Being used like an object, creates strong feelings of submission. I’ve heard from other people that being reduced to something so simple and basic where you don’t have to think at all but just serve and obey when commanded can be relaxing and a stress reliever.
My observation is that my experienced tremendous pleasure and submission from being my footstool but it mostly occurred before and afterwards. The anticipation and knowing that I was going to dominate him in that way was exciting for him. Afterward, knowing that I actually exerted my authority and dominance over him and made him be my footstool, not only thrilled him but made him feel even more like a slave and even more beneath me than he felt before. 
I enjoyed it too. I did not seem silly at all to me in the moment. I enjoyed reading while he remained silent and supporting my feet. I have to admit, that I felt Goddess-like or Queen-like, having him be my footstool and I felt ownership over him. I enjoyed having that power. I enjoyed it so much that I informed him that it was going to be a regular thing going forward. At least once a week, I am going to try and find time to use him as my foot stool while I read. Doing this on a regular basis will make it even clearer that my domination over him and his submission to me, is real and that he truly is beneath me in our marriage and exists to serve and obey me.
See – I do practice what I preach in my posts! I tried something new and was glad I did. I know many of the guy readers share my posts with their wives. To the wonderful Goddess women who are reading this post, the next time your husband brings you one of my posts to read, why not order him to kneel into a foot stool position and then you can kick back and relax with your feet on his back, while you read my post :) 
-Mz Kaylee 

My New Foot Stool

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