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Jagmeet Singh & His Brother Got Together To Share Their 2021 Resolutions (VIDEO)

Brothers that make goals together, stay together. 🇨🇦
Jagmeet Singh & His Brother Gurratan Singh Shared What Their 2021 Resolutions Are
Senior Writer

Now that we've entered a new year, Jagmeet Singh and his brother Gurratan Singh, who is also a politician, shared what their resolutions are for 2021.

In a video Gurratan posted on Instagram on January 2, he said, "2020 is over, 2021 is a brand new year. Now let's talk resolutions."

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"My resolution is to continue fighting for people," Gurratan said.

Jagmeet then complimented his brother by saying that his goal for the year is "a solid one."

When it comes to the NDP leader's 2021 resolution, it's a little different than Gurratan's.

"I want to build a better Canada where we take better care of each other," Jagmeet said.

Throughout 2020 the siblings showed each other so much love, like when Gurratan stood by his brother when he was kicked out of the House of Commons for calling another MP a racist.

Jagmeet also shared a touching message when Gurratan's baby was born in September, which shed light on their close relationship while growing up.

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