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Kevin Hart Was Completely Delirious After Staying Up All Night Shooting In Toronto (VIDEO)

His director can be heard telling him to get some sleep!

For weeks now, residents of the GTA have been spotting Kevin Hart's Man from Toronto setting up shop and filming around town.

Last night, Hart says he was kept awake until five in the morning shooting a scene with Woody Harrelson and the lack of sleep seems to be getting to him.

He uploaded a video to his Instagram capturing the moment.

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Hart can be seen struggling to form sentences and half-heartedly telling a joke about how night shoots are similar to... lawn mowers?

Harrelson briefly tried to intercept, but Kevin kept on telling his jokes, full force ahead.

Director Patrick Hughes can be heard telling Kevin that he needs to get some shut-eye.

Don't worry Kevin, we don't do well on little sleep either.

Hart and Harrelson were both spotted in Brampton last month, filming at the GO station and pulling some crazy stunts.

Kaley Cuoco was also briefly in town for the production, before heading back home to the United States.

Man from Toronto is set to be released in theatres in the fall of 2021.

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