“Find Your Passion”

Ephraim Champion
Published in
14 min readNov 13, 2020


But what if it’s not that easy?

I know how you feel. Everything you read on bettering yourself tells you to “find your passion”.

You sigh or scowl at the advice, thinking of all the lucky people who have “found their passion” and reached success.

You think maybe, just maybe, if you knew what your passion even was you could reach that same success.

The reality is that most do have a passion, they just have a gargantuan list of them. However, we live in a world that preaches about choosing that one passion and pursuing it.

You realize time is running out and the longer you sit on this decision, the more your life passes you by.

You visualize so many things for yourself, and you’re stuck in those visions of a life that may never materialize.

I want to try and help you because I’ve been there before. I know how that feels. Hell, sometimes I’m still there.

I’ve been on this “passion train” for a long time, and only recently have I decided what is best for me in terms of my “passion”.

For me, the problem was that I had too many passions, and I really really really wanted to pursue them all.

These weren’t just some little “that would be cool” type of passions. These were all things I…



Ephraim Champion

Storyteller & experience-creator via music or words. Igniting creativity on your artistic journey w/ practical tips & inspiration. True self-care starts here.