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NYPD’s sergeants union blasts Biden, Sanders for Walter Wallace tweets

The NYPD sergeants union took aim this week at Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden for their tweets about Walter Wallace, the knife-wielding man shot and killed by Philadelphia police this week.

The Sergeants Benevolent Association fired off two tweets Wednesday night — one in response to the Democratic presidential candidate for tweeting, “Our hearts are broken for the family of Walter Wallace Jr., and for all those suffering the emotional weight of learning about another Black life in America lost. Walter’s life mattered.”

“FACT: Walter Wallace was armed with a knife & trying to kill 2 uniform police officers,” the union shot back. “Do the 2 officers lives’ not matter to you? This further explains why NOT ONE police organization in the USA has endorsed you.”

The SBA also went after Sanders for writing that Wallace “should be alive today, and our thoughts are with his loved ones.”

“The police responsible for murdering him in front of his mother instead of getting him the medical attention he needed should be arrested, investigated, and prosecuted by the Justice Department,” Sanders wrote.

The SBA responded, “Walter Wallace was a career criminal ARMED WITH A KNIFE. He wasn’t waving it to cut 🥬🍅🥑🥕🥦🍍. He was arrested for assaulting his own mother. Are you really that much of a fool, stop lying to the people. @BernieSanders,” with the hashtag #feelthestupidity.

Wallace, 27, was fatally shot by cops in West Philadelphia on Monday after police say he ignored orders to drop a knife. His killing — which sparked riots and looting in the City of Brotherly Love — was caught on camera.