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Star Wars: Squadrons Update 1.1 Now Live On All Platforms

The Star Wars: Squadrons patch notes outline stability improvements and bug fixes.


An update has been rolled out for Star Wars: Squadrons on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One that stabilizes the game, tweaks flight controls, and fixes bugs. The full patch notes are outlined below.

The meat of the patch is dedicated to bug fixes. One in particular centers on an issue found in the Fleet Battles tutorial mission where it would not complete if the player was destroyed at certain points during the operation. The update also addresses several other problem areas, including complications with V-Sync, Imperial squadrons being invisible during Dogfight's opening cinematic, and the 3000 series of Nvidia GPUs defaulting to low graphics mode.

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Elsewhere in the patch are adjustments to flight controls. This includes adding an option to adjust the deadzone for controllers and flight sticks separately. as well as tweaking the default input curves for flight sticks so that they feel more responsive.

The update also stabilizes the spectator mode in online PvP and implements other stability improvements and fixes.

In other Star Wars: Squadrons news, developer EA Motive Studios has confirmed that there are currently no plans for post-launch DLC.

Full Star Wars: Squadrons Update 1.1 Patch Notes

Fleet Battles Ranks

  • Fixed an issue where players could not be correctly placed in a rank after initial placement matches
    • Players who have not started their placement matches will be able to place normally
    • Players who have started their placement matches will have their remaining matches use the corrected system
      • There will be no rank resets at this time


  • Added options in the menu called “Controller Global Deadzone" and "Flight Stick Global Deadzone” which will allow you to modify the deadzone individually for standard controllers and Flight Sticks
  • Adjusted the default input curves for Flight Sticks, which should make controls feel more responsive


  • Adjusted some of the visual effects in VR mode, specifically addressing the brightness and bloom when dropping bombs from your Starfighter

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Fleet Battles Tutorial could become incompletable if the player’s starfighter was destroyed at certain points during the exercise
  • Fixed an issue where V-Sync would sometimes become disabled upon returning to the main menu
  • Fixed a bug where the Imperial squadron was not visible in some instances during the opening cinematic for Dogfight mode
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the 3000 series Nvidia GPUs to default to low quality graphics settings
  • We’ve removed a couple of instances where development text was appearing in the game
  • Fixed an issue ensuring VOIP (voice chat) toggles work as intended
  • Fixed an issue on PC where single-player medals could be removed after playing other game modes. (NOTE: We are aware of this issue on console as well and a fix for that will be coming soon)


  • Improved stability in the Spectator feature of online PvP modes
  • Other general stability improvements and fixes

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