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Toronto's Terrifying Haunted Maze Is Officially Reopening For Halloween

See if you can escape the pitch-black maze!
Senior Writer

This is one maze you don't want to get trapped in. 

Toronto's Horror Hallways is officially returning for another year, and it will plunge you into your deepest nightmare.

Running from October 9 to November 8, 2020, the indoor attraction will lead you through dark and haunted hallways filled with ghastly surprises.

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[rebelmouse-image 25996961 photo_credit="Toronto Horror Hallways | Facebook" expand=1 original_size="784x960"] Toronto Horror Hallways | Facebook

Demons lurk around every corner, and you'll have to find your way through the shadows before your fear gets the better of you.

This year, the event promises to be "bigger and better than ever before."

Admission is $19.99 per person, and only cash is accepted.

Face coverings are mandatory, and the event is not suggested for young children.

Get your bravest friends together and try to escape this pitch-black maze.

Horror Hallways

Price: $19.99 per person

When: October 9 - November 8, 2020

Address: 37 Stoffel Dr., Etobicoke, ON

Why You Need To Go: See if you can escape from this terrifying hallway maze in Toronto.

Before you get going, check our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your trip.

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