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Football Manager 2020 makes its debut on the Epic Games Store

Free kick.

Football Manager 2020 makes its debut on the Epic Games Store today.

It's free to download and keep forever until 24th September. Of note: the game includes cross-network play with the Steam version. You can also bring your Steam save game across to Epic and continue your progress, if you fancy it.

Developer Sports Interactive has yet to unveil Football Manager 2021, but it did say today all future editions of the famous sim will be sold on Epic's store "on a non-exclusive basis". So expect Football Manager 2021 to launch on the Epic Games Store and Steam at the same time.

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In late July, studio boss Miles Jacobson warned the pandemic meant new Football Manager games would release later than normal this year.

"What I can confirm today is that, despite all the problems going on in the world, there will be new Football Manager games released later this year," Jacobson said.

"They will be delivered a little later than we'd originally planned, but they'll have exceptionally strong feature sets... albeit different to those we thought we'd settled on back in January when I completed my 'dream feature set'."

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