WHO / Blink Media - Nana Kofi Acquah
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Increasing understanding of the impact of COVID-19 for pregnant women and their babies

1 September 2020
Departmental update
Reading time:

LAST UPDATE: 17 March 2022

Mother-to-child transmission of COVID-19 infection is possible but rare - study

New research findings show that less than 2 percent of newborn babies born to women who have SARS- CoV- 2 test positive themselves. Importantly, even fewer show signs of the disease.

The research also demonstrates the importance of skin-to-skin contact for women and newborns and their newborn babies. Vaginal births and breast feeding do not increase the likelihood of SARS- CoV- 2 transmission.

These results are based on a ‘living systematic review’:; ongoing, global, research which is collecting and synthesizing data on the situation for pregnant women with COVID-19 in countries worldwide. It has been led by researchers at the University of Birmingham, UK, the World Health Organization, and the UN Special Programme HRP alongside other collaborators.

Risks for newborn babies and women

While risk of mother to child transmission seems to be rare, research findings nevertheless show that pregnant or recently pregnant women with COVID-19 are more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit or need respiratory support when compared with non-pregnant women of reproductive age. 

Pregnant women with COVID-19 were also more likely to give birth prematurely.  Research has shown that 1 in 4 of all babies born to women with COVID-19, were admitted to a neonatal unit, though data on causes of admission is lacking. Stillbirth and newborn death rates however were low.

As with the general population, risks are higher for those with pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes or chronic high blood pressure; there also seem to be higher risks for those who are non-white, older or have obesity.

Mercedes Bonet, an author of the study comments, “The evidence shows us that having pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure, puts you at greater risk, whether or not you are pregnant.

Implications for healthcare

It is important healthcare providers are aware that pregnant women with COVID-19 and their newborn babies may be more likely to need specialist care, and that women and their babies have access to this care. This is particularly true for pregnant women with COVID-19 who have other co-morbidities or risk factors.

In addition it is crucial to stress that whether or not a woman has COVID-19, her right to a positive pregnancy and childbirth experience must be ensured. Read more

It is also important to recognise the increased stress and anxiety caused by COVID-19 which may be particularly felt by pregnant women, recently-pregnant women, and their partners, children, and families; healthcare providers have a role in responding to pregnant women in an appropriate and compassionate way.

WHO continues to work to increase our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 vertical transmission, and timing of such transmission. Read more