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Over 1.087.000 registered users (EN+CZ). Try the new Engineering calculator, the CAD conversion wizard, the Color converter and USD viewer. Learn about twiGIS.
CAD tip # 12625:
Using the procedure described in the following 5 videos, you can convert your 3D Inventor assembly model (or another 3D model, such as BIM) to an interactive virtual reality (VR) scene in 3ds Max Interactive.
First, load the IAM assembly into Autodesk 3ds Max (open it directly) and adjust its material settings, motion joints and links and its lighting as needed. Then follow the instructions in the videos to export the VR scene for the selected 3D device. The actual export to VR is described in the last video.
- Creating a VR project
- Exporting to 3ds Max Interactive (part of AEC Collection)
- Working with VR materials
- Collision and the Starting point for VR
- Viewing a 3D model in VR
video courtesy Autodesk
