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CAD tip # 12624:
When drawing or editing (e.g. moving) project element geometry in Revit (e.g. walls) you can use - beside the preset units - also numeric input in any of the other supported dimension units.
So e.g. the length of a drawn wall segment can be specified not only by entering e.g. 4000 (mm) but you can enter e.g. the value of 4m or 0.004km or type 6'5" or 20in or 2.5ft or 10yd, or you can use an arithmetic expression to enter the length or angle dimensions (prefix them with the equal sign), e.g. =4000*75% or =4000/3 or even a combination of units, like =5000-7'6".
see also the tip 5980

applies to: Revit ·